Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Phrases from 'Lost at the Funfair'

Hi children,

You can refer to phrases below for doing your corrections.

  1. colourful striped tents and awnings
  2. fear and trepidation rose in my heart
  3. overwhelmed with anxiety, I jostled with the crowd searching for my brother
  4. my throat was hoarse and parched as a result after shouting his name continuosly
  5. petrified with fear among a sea of strangers
  6. my face lit up as the crease of worry vanished instantly

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fractions Frenzy!!!

Hi children of 4 Kindness,

Below are several fractions educational websites for you to go to!

Parts and Whole

Equivalent Fractions

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Addition of Fractions involving mixed numbers and improper fractions

Hope you have fun with them!

Mr Tan Mun Sing

Friday, March 7, 2008